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ULS speaks at the launch of the Rule of Law Second Quarter Report

During the launch of the State of the Rule of Law Second Quarterly Report, our President’s clarion call for RESPECT and OBSERVANCE of People’s Rights and FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY by Government and Uganda Police was very loud and clear.

The President alluded to Court’s pronouncement in Mwanga Kivumbi Vs Attorney General where the Court held that the powers given to the Inspector General of Police to prohibit the convening of assemblies or processions were an unjustified limitation on the enjoyment of a fundamental right and thus inconsistent with Article 29(1) (d) of the Constitution

The issues of permission, the issue of suspicions that if it’s political there will be a breach of peace, the courts were very clear that if you suspect that there will breach of peace, you go and protect. So we continue to appeal to government and Uganda  Police  that these events (violations of people’s rights) don’t re-occur.”

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